Thursday, July 3, 2014


     In their song, 'Fast Paced World' , The Duhks lament:
We've forgotten what is sacred
In this fast-paced world
We take and keep taking
Without thinking of what we are giving

Oh, nothing is sacred in this fast-paced world
Not love, not culture, not family or nature. 
     Indeed, they make a good point.  Have we forgotten what is sacred?  Does our culture even understand the distinction between what is sacred and what is profane? A few minutes of broadcast television or a bit of time reading the lyrics of many rap/hip-hop artists (yes, I admit I struggle deciphering the words in real time) - among other things - will lead you to believe that nothing is out of bounds; there are no 'sacred cows' beyond the reach of ridicule and verbal assassination.  
     There was a time (yes, in the dark ages of my childhood and adolescence) when certain things were so taboo that only the very lowest segment of society would dare to violate them; now it is not only admissible but considered art to desecrate the symbols representing what the Church holds inviolate. It appears to be perfectly acceptable to use in public places the most crude, vulgar language imaginable - even in front of women and children (and why not, since many of them are speaking the same words?). There was a time when the older generation among us was revered and honored, when children (born and unborn) were protected above all else, when dignity and respect was afforded those who served to protect our freedom and rights.
     Consider a few synonyms of the word 'sacred' and you will understand my point: hallowed, unassailable, untouchable. Is there anything left in our culture to which these words still apply?  I have heard it stated that our problem is that we have become a self-absorbed, narcissistic people with little concern for the needs or feelings of others.  Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating a return to the days of "Leave it to Beaver" or "Ozzie & Harriet." I am merely wondering where common decency, concern for our fellow man and esteeming some things as off-limits may have gone?  Is there nothing sacred in our culture? 

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